Episode 72 – All About Power Couples

Hosts Scot And Emily McKay

Co-Host: Scot and Emily McKay - X & Y Communications

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You hear the term ‘power couple’ quite a bit, but what exactly does it mean? We know one when we see one, for sure.

But is it necessarily a good thing? Would we want to team up with our WAGs to BE one? If so, how do we BECOME one?

Well, let’s first get this out in the open: I’m not sure whether we are indeed a ‘power couple’ or not, especially after this conversation…as entertaining and informative as it was.

So then, how about it? What kind of ‘power’ are we talking about here, anyway? What does it take for a couple to add up to more than the sum of their individual parts?

What are the actual, real-world traits of a ‘power couple’? Can a couple be a ‘power couple’ simply by acting like one, or does that distinction have to be earned…if not bestowed upon them by others?

What are the different ways can a couple indeed be powerful? Doesn’t the expectation to be a ‘power couple’ put a lot of pressure on spouses, especially if one wants it more than the other?

Is this something we should aspire to–in one way or another–or does it all only relegate the relationship to feeling more like ‘work’ again? Is it true in this case that the bigger they are, the harder they fall?

And hey, is there such thing as ‘power parents’? That sounds flat-out cringeworthy.

One thing’s for sure about this episode, we didn’t leave anything on the table, all the while taking ourselves far less seriously than any ‘power couple’ typically should.

The program on how to have a great long-term relationship is finally available. Find the men’s version, Get Together, Stay Together, at www.gettogetherstaytogether.com and the women’s version, My One & Only, at www.scotandemily.com


Get Together Stay Together For Men

My One & Only For Women

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