Episode 52 – Why All The Controversy Surrounding Masculinity And Femininity?

Antia and Brody Boyd

Co-Host: Antia and Brody Boyd

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After millennia of assumptive coexistence, the idea of masculine/feminine polarity is under fire. Is it all really a societal construct designed to oppress women, or are the very building blocks of sexual attraction at stake here?

Relationship coaches Brody and Antia Boyd sit in with us to hit this issue with a big, heavy hammer once and for all. Is masculinity all about ‘penetration’…and is that what angry women find so offensive? Meanwhile, why is it that a woman might pronounce masculinity as ‘toxic’, only to claim it for herself?

Is it that femininity represents ‘the weaker sex’, or could it be that femininity is actually the higher calling? How do men reconcile political correctness with the wild popularity 50 Shades Of Grey? What is the ‘JBBA Zone’?

Does lack of understanding between genders breed fear and therefore hate? And are men who react against hateful women just making things worse?

Is the new, evolved masculine role for men to ‘hold the container’…and what does that mean, exactly? And most importantly…what really goes on at those sex toy parties for women?

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